Consumer fraud has, unfortunately, become commonplace in our economy. The schemes for ripping off consumers are endless. Facing tight margins and heightened competition, some companies make false or exaggerated claims about products or services in an effort to take advantage of consumers. Unscrupulous corporations continually update methods for hiding fees and misrepresenting their products and services and, with the dawn of Internet commerce, have devised new tactics for deception. All too often, these businesses get away with deceptive tactics, confident that consumers who catch on will not have the time or resources to take action against them. At Crosner Legal, we hold these companies accountable.
Consumer fraud occurs in every industry, including health care, medicine, insurance, mortgage, banking, online commerce, technology, education, food and automotive. We realize that often the voices of consumers go unheard and those who suffer the brunt of corporate wrongdoing have little power to hold companies responsible for their behavior.

We pursue class-action litigation to confront fraudulent practices that individual consumers alone cannot effectively dispute. We make consumers’ concerns a priority, collecting complaints against suspected companies and exploring all avenues for prosecution. Our firm is dedicated to being an innovator in organizing and prosecuting consumer fraud class cases across the country.
Our attorneys handle a wide range of consumer claims and concerns, including:
- LFalse or misleading advertising and marketing
- LFood and other product labeling
- LSlack-fill packaging
- LPhantom markdowns of sales prices
- LSubscription automatic renewals
- LHidden or deceptive fee charges
- LBanking overdraft fees
- LTCPA robocalls and spam text messages
- LUnlawful warranties and recalls
- LFailure to provide goods or services paid for
- LInternet and telemarketing scams
- LDefective or inferior products and services
- LBait and switch tactics
- LPonzi schemes