Workers face many forms of discrimination on the job. Discrimination can be overt, such as withholding non-monetary benefits based on an employee’s sexual orientation; or subtle, such as a pattern of steering more lucrative work assignments to male workers to the detriment of equally-qualified female workers.
While federal, state and local protections for each form vary, Crosner Legal represents individuals and classes of employees victimized by discrimination on the basis of the following:
- LGender
- LPregnancy
- LSexual Orientation
- LRace
- LAge
- LDisability
- LReligion
- LNational Origin
- LMilitary Service
Retaliation is a form of discrimination. When you bring a claim forward and you are retaliated against, know that it is illegal for your employer to do that. We can take action against your employer for doing that. When you bring your claim to HR or a supervisor, you expect your issues to be taken care of. No one should put up with harassment or discrimination at work. You may find, however, that some people are not so understanding. If you are wrongfully punished, fired, or treated after bringing a claim to your higher ups, you may have a case of retaliation on your hands. Our California retaliation lawyers will not tolerate this. We know how to fight these cases.

Sexual harassment broadly describes a situation in which a person is harassed because of his or her gender. Sexual harassment may include an unwanted sexual advance, dirty jokes, offensive images or sexually explicit text messages and emails. This offensive conduct does not have to be directed toward the person, but may create a hostile work environment.
Often a single off-hand comment or situation does not necessarily rise to the level of sexual harassment, but a one-time serious incident, such as a sexual assault, would give rise to a valid sexual harassment claim. Conversely, multiple less serious incidents may cumulatively create a hostile work environment that meets the criteria for a valid sexual harassment claim. The work environment is hostile if it affects the employee’s performance or results in an adverse job decision, such as being fired, not being sent on certain assignments or losing a promotion.
Crosner Legal represents workers, tenants and other individuals subjected to discrimination, sexual harassment or hostile work environments in both individual and class action cases arising under state and federal employment laws.