Mediation Phase Of Litigation

This page describes in detail each potential phase of litigation in your case. As you have now seen, you will receive an email update each time your case is moved into a new phase of litigation. You may use this document as a guide to better understanding each of these phases of litigation. Please keep in mind that your case may not necessarily undergo each of these phases. Please feel free to reach out if you have any additional inquiries.

Timeline of Mediation

The mediation phase typically takes on average between 3-9 months, depending on the availability of the mediator and the parties.


Mediation occurs when the parties would like to attempt to resolve the case through a settlement. The parties agree to hire a third party mediator, typically a retired judge or former attorney highly experienced in the area of law, and schedule a date where the parties meet with the mediator for a full day and attempt to settle the case. The parties generally split the cost of the mediation, which can be anywhere from a $5,000 to $15,000 cost to each party. Crosner Legal will advance the costs of your mediation, and even if the case never resolves (which is highly unlikely), you will not owe these costs to Crosner Legal. 

There is a lot of work that goes into preparing for the mediation. The defendants must produce hundreds, if not thousands, of documents and data points to us, which we then review and evaluate, and retain an expert to analyze in most cases. The information/documentation request and expect the defendants to produce is similar to the information and documentation described in the discovery section above. The parties also typically draft separate mediation briefs outlining their arguments to provide to the third party mediator prior to mediation. We will be contacting you within 1-4 weeks prior to the mediation to discuss the mediation process with you in more detail and to obtain your input for the mediation brief.

Mediations were traditionally held in person, but with the COVID-19 most are now being held virtually. They typically last all day (8-16 hours). You do not need to be present at the mediation unless we tell you otherwise, but you have the option to if you’d like. We do ask that you be available by phone for the entire day of mediation.

For more detailed updates, please contact James Reid with our Law Firm at the below information:

  • To Text or Call: (323) 686-2096  
  • To Email:

Lastly, it is imperative that you keep us informed if you change your contact information, including either phone number, email address or residence address. You will receive a text message and email from us every 60-90 days reminding you to provide us with any changes to this information. Please fill out the form in the text and/or email we send if you change your contact information. In the alternative, you may text or call at the above contact information to provide your updated contact information.