
What types of claims can an employee allege in a DFEH Complaint?

What types of claims can an employee allege in a DFEH Complaint?

Types of Protections:  Employers that are subject to the Fair Employment and Housing Act are prohibited from discriminating against any person with respect to hiring, firing, compensation, and virtually all terms, conditions, and privileges of employment. Thus,...

Types of Remedies For Employee After Filing DFEH Complaint

Types of Remedies For Employee After Filing DFEH Complaint

Remedies in Actions by the California Department of Fair Housing and Employment Remedies can include a requirement that the employer conduct training for all employees, supervisors, and management on the Fair Employment and Housing Act’s requirements, the rights and...

DFEH Complaints: Everything To Know in 2019

DFEH Complaints: Everything To Know in 2019

Although many California employers are subject both to Title VII and the Fair Employment and Housing Act, complaints alleging discrimination usually are examined separately under each law. The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing is charged with...